i went on a walk last wednesday around the valley a bit. i stopped by a church that i found on the map - rathbourney. i had to hop over a few cow fences to get to it, which led me to believe that it wasn't generally much of a tourist stop like many other churches. i was right! from the inside it looked like the only thing it's been used for in quite a while is a cow barn.

there's a fairy fort just behind the church as well. i went in and hung out for a bit. look at these crazy trees!
i'd seen a big old abandoned house off the main road quite a few times and had been itchin' to look into it, so i finally got around to it. the wild daffodils are poking up all over the place now that it's spring - i'm so excited for them to bloom!!
this entire room was just a huge tangle of vines, i couldn't even really get in!
check out this old fireplace!
Hi! I'm reading The Sting of Justice by Cora Harrison (a mystery set in medieval Ireland). I was looking for pictures of Rathborney as described in the book - and your blog was perfect! The old run down church and house helped me get an idea of the place - and your pictures are beautiful. It allowed me to imagine what it might have been like back in the year 1509. Thanks!