Monday, February 15, 2010

the rine.

i like to trek down to the rine every few days. it's quite a bit of a hike from both my house and the college, but i think it's definitely worth it once you're there. the rine is the thin bit of land (partially visible on the map photo below) that stretches out into the bay. it's a great mix of wet sand, sand dunes, grass, and tons and tons of smooth, holey rocks. i like to walk out to the very tip of it. once in a while someone will be out there somewhere letting their dog run around, but for the most part it's completely deserted. so peaceful! here are a few photos of a trip i made there last tuesday in the late afternoon.

so muddy!

the mountains of connemara were visible that day!

check out these crazy seaweed remnants embedded in the rocks.

laying around, looking up at the sky...


sunny hills in the distance.

a few documents of actions i performed.

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